Moto G6 Plus
Android 9
Word 16.0.13127.20162
This is ongoing for me. Usually it's when I have a thought while on-the-go and I want to quickly capture it.
I open a new Word doc and then try to save it but I cannot, at least not via Boxcryptor. Surely folks must know about this issue.
I can save to an unencrypted folder on, in tis case, OneDrive (i.e. Boxcryptor->OneDrive->UnencryptedFolder) but not to an encrypted folder (Boxcryptor->OneDrive->EncryptedFolder).
This is really annoying not only because it requires that any file is saved to a non-secure cloud location, but also because I must remember, when I am next at my laptop, to go into Boxcryptor and move that file to a an encrypted folder.
Boxcryptor folk, what's going on?