I have, unfortunately, two Boxcryptor business accounts. The first one stopped working when I tried to set a different password for encryption for a different cloud provider. When I tried to do that, I got some quickly displayed messages that something was not unique but was required to be. I could find no explanation and no easy way to figure things out. So I was forced to buy a different one. It refused to allow me to set up one on another email address I own, so I reset it. I no longer had any encrypted files using the previous email address and password, but I also could not set up one on another email address that was on Gmail. So I had a non-Gmail account that I could set up and was forced to buy another business version when I still had time remaining on the first email. I have written to sales and I will see how they respond. I believe, perhaps wrongly, that the command of the English language by documentation experts is inexpert!