I use BC on a win10 machine. I have 3 Onedrive locations which were also stored locally.
I sync them constantly. Alle the files were stored on a fixed drive F:\
Due to lack of harddisc space I had to move 1 Onedrive location to another physical local disc on my computer.
Called E-drive. As simple as i thought i assumed to "add" another location to Boxcryptor when all files are moved to the new drive.
Unfortunately the move was good, but when i want to add the new drive, BC sees the new local drive immediately but
the files are not encrypted. In BC there is a checkbox which is black. See attachment. I can't remove this location because the remove button is greyed out. I can't add this location or a part of the files again, because BC says it already exists.
I already dropped this issue at the support departement. But no answer yet.
Please help ?