I have very limited space on my computer locally. I would like to get the benefits of Boxcryptor without the storage costs of having to sync everything. I'm running macOS Big Sur and while the Boxcryptor normal app works fine, I didn't realize it only works when you sync files. I would really like to use the Portable app for macOS so I don't have to sync everything to the local disk -- the problem is it won't work. It opens up a window like it's going to let me sign in but then just hangs there and does nothing.
Has anyone else had this difficulty? If so, is there a fix?
I am a bit upset as I already purchased a years subscription, I get that's kind of my problem in not trying it out first. I'm annoyed at the iCloud aspect as well, not that I expected it to work very well with iCloud since Apple hasn't ever been good about interoperability.
I hope there is a solution, my other issue with syncing is that every service has its own sync client -- if I want to access my Google Drive, OneDrive, DropBox, and Box data it seems like not only do I have to sync it locally but I also have to be running all those sync clients, Google Drive and OneDrive are particular resource hogs and it does not appear that Boxcryptor deals very well with multiple accounts for Google and OneDrive. I've got a school account for each and while I would like that (especially) to be encrypted, I don't want to ONLY use my school accounts.
Any help is appreciated.