I am using the following for about 3 months succefully:
- Boxcryptor free connected to an google account
- windows 10
- Android 9 mobile
Since roughly 1 month I can't access boxcryptor any more from my mobile - windows is still working.
I have created different files in my google drive windows and they are showing in google drive on android and vice versa. But those changes are not reflected in boxcryptor.
Also, when I try accessing Boxcryptor files from:
- windows: this works as usual and I see it up to date
- mobile: I get a popup saying something with "Times out / Zeitüberschreitung"
What I tried:
What I tried until now on the mobile:
- closing all the apps ==> no change
- restarted the mobile ==> no change
- checking the boxcryptor version Version 2.108.1021 (2021-08-04) on my phone and comparing to https://www.boxcryptor.com/de/help/about/android/ ==> latest one
- logged out of boxcryptor app
With this I needed to go through the log in and setup steps. I am now stuck in the setup step add provider "Anbieter hinzufügen". When I choose "Google Drive" then I give boxcryptor the permission to access my google account, after that I see the loading animation for at least 5 minutes (showing "Laden...").
Please help me. What can I do to fix that?
Anyone experiencing similar issues?
Best regards Martin