Hello, I'm a Boxcryptor free account user. I mainly use Boxcryptor to encrypt important files in Dropbox. Years ago, to free up space in Dropbox, I moved many old files/folders from Dropbox to local NAS. Only small percentage are encrypted in NAS and since they are old files, I didn't bother to access them until now. Frequently used encrypted files still remain in Dropbox. Now, since I don't really need old important files in NAS to be encrypted, I wanted to decrypt all files in NAS, but it prompted I can't do that because NAS folder is not part of its managed locations. Then, I tried to copy files back to Dropbox, but it prompted that I can't move encrypted file back to Boxcryptor folder. Please advise best method to decrypt my files in NAS. Do I have to go with Premium for a month, add NAS drive to "Manage Locations", decrypt all files in NAS? TIA!