I'm also getting kernel panic on macOS Catalina 10.15.1 with latest Boxcryptor 2.31.1006. No Kaspersky, and my ClamXAV disabled. After enabling spotlight on Boxcryptor on Google Drive with around 50,000 files in it, it only takes around 20 minutes of indexing (mdworkers using a fair amount of CPU and you can see Boxcryptor at around 100% CPU also in Activity Monitor), then the Mac completely freezes for about 2 minutes, and then it restarts. The crash log has kernel panic in it and no indication what the problem is other than the watchdog spotted the unresponsive system and restarted. Eventually, after 5 or 6 kernel panics and reboots, the spotlight finishes indexing the drive, and the crashes cease. However, the Spotlight index of the Boxcryptor is not complete, as many files cannot be found in the index, until they are accessed (or "touch -a" brings them into the spotlight index). Attempting to bring them back into the index by running a mass update of accessed time "find /Volumes/Secomba/user/Boxcryptor/Google\ Drive -maxdepth 999 -type f -exec touch -a {} \;" - bring back the freezes/kernel panics.
Disabling Boxcryptor spotlight and refreshing the spotlight index by running "sudo mdutil -E /" completes OK within a couple of minutes.
Enabling spotlight in Boxcryptor settings and doing the same "sudo mdutil -E /" causes the described behaviour.
I've noticed similar behaviour (watchdog reboot/kernel panic) when I attempt to copy a large amount of files from/to Boxcryptor drive. It doesn't normally happen during normal "light" usage.
I suspect there's some kind of a memory leak in Boxcryptor kext driver.