Almost identical to SWoolbertSep '21 (Sep 21), but with a macOS Monterey instead of windows. I have been using boxcryptor for years with multiple accounts. Yesterday I noticed on the mac that I could not see all the google drive accounts in Finder's Boxcryptor Folder. All three show in the locations tab, though with identical names. The ctrl-click option to rename advertised on one of the FAQ pages is not functioning...there is no discernable response in the UI when I try ctrl left click, ctrl right click, I tried using the option key and command key as well, with no discernable response. Google mounts all three accounts in different folders in AppData\CloudStorage, Boxcryptor's locations seems to be aware of all three accounts (despite using the same display name), but in Finder and in Command Line (/Volumes/Secomb/BoxCrypter/....) I can see only one of the three mounted Google Accounts. How do I overcome this? I also looked at open ports to see if there was an open SMB port for localhost (based on a different thread), but there is nothing showing using netcat or lsof.