Hi there,
since i use Boxcryptor the Data handling got really slow. And I don't mean Uploading the files to the cloud. I mean simply copying files into an encrypted folder. With Boxcryptor the copying speed goes down to 500 kb/s (on an SSD btw.)
Another problem is on Android. The Boxcryptor description says that one can choose the folder where to upload the encrypted pictures to. But this option is not available on my App. The App I have always tries to upload directly onto the cloud...not in any Folder. This is of course not allowed and all I get are error masseges
Luckyly I checked this with the free version. And, unless anyone here can give me an Idea why even these simple processes do not work aceptable, I'm for sure not buying.
So does anyone have any idea, wha I might have done wrong?